3 Indications You Need A New Roof After A Hail Storm


As a homeowner, you aren't likely to face many expenses more substantial than a complete roofing replacement. While residential roofing systems tend to last for many years, some situations can drastically reduce their lifespan. Unsurprisingly, storms are a common reason for roofing to fail, and hail can pose a substantial threat even to roofs in relatively good condition.

The more quickly you can act after a storm, the more likely you will locate damage and make a successful insurance claim. While you should always rely on a trained contractor to assess your home following a storm, these three indications might be a sign that a new roof installation is looming in your future.

1. Granules Collecting Near Downspouts

Hail tends to produce reasonably predictable damage to residential asphalt roofing. When a hailstone impacts one of your roofing shingles, it can knock some of the outer layers of granules loose. In addition to affecting your roof's appearance, this leaves the shingle vulnerable to both UV and water damage. The physical impact can also loosen the shingle and damage the underlayment.

Severe hailstorms can knock granules loose from many shingles. Since roofs intentionally channel water towards the gutters, there's a high likelihood that these granules will eventually wash away and end up in your downspouts. If you notice a large number of granules collecting near the bottom of the spouts, you may have enough of a problem to warrant a roof replacement.

2. Soft "Bruising"

Spotting hail damage can be a little trickier than you might expect, and it can be particularly challenging to photograph issues. In most cases, you or a contractor will need to get onto the roof and carefully examine the entire building. While hail typically produces minor, dark impact marks, it's also crucial to check the structure of the shingle.

Since hail impacts can carry a significant amount of force, they can damage both the shingle's asphalt base and the underlayment. Feeling suspected hail impacts for soft bruising is an excellent way to change for more severe damage. If you have multiple tiles in this condition, there's a good chance the hail impacts have shortened the lifespan of your roof.

3. Weathering

The granules covering your roof aren't just aesthetic. These tiny particles help protect the asphalt tiles from weathering due to heat and UV exposure. If you've ever looked at an old asphalt road or driveway, you know that time isn't kind to this material. When checking your roof, look for signs of previously unnoticed hail damage that may already be causing your tiles to wear down.

If hail damage is causing excessive weathering on your roofing tiles, they will be more likely to fail and ultimately more likely to leak. In many cases, the best option is to replace a roof once it has collected enough damage to be noticeable during an inspection.

For more information on roof installation, contact a company near you.


3 February 2022

what really needs done after water damages you home

Do you know what it takes to restore your home after water damage has occurred? If you are anything like me, you think that you can get away with simply drying the house out and getting rid of the furniture and contents that are beyond repair. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to it than that. I learned the hard way just how devastating water damage can be to the home if you do not take the proper measures to clean the mess up. You can learn from my personal experience so that you do not have to spend the time and money going through the additional steps of restoration after water damage incident.