Six Things You Shouldn't Do When You Have A Mold Issue In Your Home


Properly reacting to mold growth is essential to keeping your household healthy and comfortable. It's also important for maintaining home value.

Unfortunately, homeowners sometimes do things they shouldn't when they have mold. The following are six things you shouldn't do when you have a mold issue in your home. 

Tell yourself that the issue will clear up on its own

Once mold starts to grow in your home, it's unlikely that it will go away unless you do something about it. That's why finding a mold removal service in your area is so important.

Don't waste any time finding a mold damage remediation service. The longer you wait, the more damage mold growth can potentially cause in your home. 

Panic over mold growth

While mold growth is a serious issue that you need to address, you also don't want to overreact. Your home is not ruined just because you have a mold issue. You can fix the problem by investing in mold removal. 

Fail to hire a professional mold removal service

It's best to hire professionals to deal with mold growth. Trying to remedy the issue on your own is going to be challenging.

While you might succeed in stopping mold growth in some areas of your home, chances are you won't be able to get rid of mold throughout your entire home on your own. Hiring a mold growth remediation company is important for stopping growth permanently. 

Allow your kids to have unsupervised access to the area where you've noticed mold

You should know that mold can produce harmful chemicals known as mycotoxins. These mycotoxins can cause severe health complications if they are ingested.

You need to protect young children in your home from mold because of the health problems that can result if mold is accidentally ingested. Make sure you block off areas of your home where mold growth is present and don't allow any young children unsupervised access in these areas. 

Neglect to test air quality when you're having mold issues

Mold growth in a home can negatively impact air quality. Poor air quality can develop if mold spores get into a home's air and HVAC system. That's why you might need to invest in air filtration equipment as part of mold removal efforts. 

Neglecting to determine the cause of mold growth

Getting to the bottom of the cause of mold growth is important for avoiding future recurrences of the problem. Mold growth is often caused by water damage after flooding. However, it can also be caused by plumbing leaks in a home.

Work with your mold damage remediation company to find out the cause of mold growth and address this cause to prevent future mold problems. 

For more information on mold removal, contact a company like 1-800-BUSY-DOG.


18 November 2021

what really needs done after water damages you home

Do you know what it takes to restore your home after water damage has occurred? If you are anything like me, you think that you can get away with simply drying the house out and getting rid of the furniture and contents that are beyond repair. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to it than that. I learned the hard way just how devastating water damage can be to the home if you do not take the proper measures to clean the mess up. You can learn from my personal experience so that you do not have to spend the time and money going through the additional steps of restoration after water damage incident.